Fascia Stretch Therapy for Golfers
As with any sport, there is always a chance for injury and golf is no exception. The golf swing is one of the most complex and multifaceted movements in all of sports. Golfers are always looking for a way to lower their risk for injury; fortunately massage and Fascia Stretch Therapy (FST) are great ways to do just that. Regular sessions can help reduce muscle spasms, reduce scar tissue, relieve trigger points, and restore proper function. Relaxed and flexible muscles are less likely to suffer strains or tears while playing.
Professional golfers travel with their health and wellness teams such as personal trainers, chiropractors, nutritionists, assisted stretch specialists: why not you?
The golf swing involves full body movement by a coordinated effort of muscles. Any tightness, injury or soreness can affect this coordination. FST can assist with increased range of motion, better balance, and increased flexibility, which results in a reduction of injuries. Many professional sports team have realized the benefits from FST.

The golf swing is an unnatural movement for our bodies. It takes years to master the swing, and assisted stretching can improve length, flexibility and strength. Almost every muscle and joint in the body is put into action to some extent during a golf swing. Millions of dollars are spent each year on golf lessons in the United States alone. However, one of the biggest problems encountered by students is the inability to physically reproduce the techniques they are being taught; usually due to issues with flexibility and core strength.
It takes years to master the swing, and assisted stretching can improve length, flexibility and strength. Almost every muscle and joint in the body is put into action to some extent during a golf swing. Millions of dollars are spent each year on golf lessons in the United States alone. However, one of the biggest problems encountered by students is the inability to physically reproduce the techniques they are being taught; usually due to issues with flexibility and core strength.