Graston Technique
Graston Technique is an instrument assisted soft tissue manipulation modality using six different stainless steel instruments. The technique is cross-friction massage, which involves brushing or rubbing against the grain of the the affected tissue which re-introduces small amounts of trauma to the area.
Benefits of Graston Technique include:
Pain relief
Faster recovery time
Fewer mobility restrictions in tissue
increased blood circulation to tissues
Improved flexibility
Reduction in pain medications
Aids in natural healing
A few conditions Graston Technique can help treat:
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Scar tissue
Trigger finger
Tennis Elbow
Golfer's Elbow
Plantar fascitiis
Achilles Tendonitis
IT band syndrome
Surgical or traumatic scars
Who should NOT receive Graston Techniue:
If you have an open wound
Uncontrolled high blood pressure
Contagious disease
Blood clots